Member Resignations
The deadline for resignation is April 1 of each year. Anyone wishing to resign from the pool must either fill out the below form, or send a written resignation letter along with their bond to:
Shellcrest Membership
P.O. Box 7214
Wilmington, DE 19803
If you cannot locate your bond, a notarized letter must take its place. Resignations must be received/ postmarked by April 1 of that year, or the full season’s dues will be assessed. There are no refunds after April 1. This is done to ensure a predictable cash flow to the pool.
Bond Refunds:
Only fully paid bond costs are refundable when resigning from the club, only if resignation is received by due date.
Bonds are refunded in the order the resignations are received and as the bonds are purchased by new members.
Please note that bond payments will only be distributed when the pool is at full capacity.
You will be added to the bond refund list in the order that your resignation is received, you can email the Shellcrest Board (shellcrest19803@gmail.com) to inquire where you stand on the refund list.
Shellcrest appreciates your patience, as refunds can take multiple years.
Thank you
Shellcrest Board